Monday, 30 March 2015

Simnel Cake

Easter weekend when it comes to food, is all about indulgence, whereby you can’t beat a freshly baked cake to mark the occasion. 
Simnel cake has been traditionally made and eaten around Easter since the medieval times. This deliciously moist fruit cake is simple to make, as most of the work is done in the oven and can be made the day before so you can enjoy the indulgence on Easter hassle-free. 
It’s rich and packed full of flavour, with a layer of marzipan running through the middle, which is a symbolic ritual dating back to its medieval era. 
A Simnel cake is traditionally decorated with a layer of marzipan and topped with eleven marzipan balls, representing the eleven apostles of Christ minus the villainous Judas. 
However, because it’s Easter and the 21st century where many of us are fans of the ‘mini egg’, these little gems can make a scrumptious alternative in decoration.

Serves 10-12

175g butter, softened at room temperature (plus extra for greasing)
175g light brown sugar (Muscovado)
175g self-raising flour
175g sultanas
100g currants
100g glacé cherries, chopped into quarters
30g candied peel
3 eggs
1tsp mixed spice
1tsp almond essence (optional)
Zest of 1 lemon

For the filling and decoration

1kg marzipan
2tbsp apricot jam
1 egg white

*1 x deep 8 inch round loose-bottomed cake tin

v  Preheat the oven to 150’C.
v  Grease the cake tin with a little butter and line with greaseproof paper.
v  Roll out a third of the marzipan using the base of the cake tin as a cutter. Using a knife, cut around the tin to finish off with a piece of marzipan to fit the cake.
v  Combine all the cake ingredients in a large bowl and mix until they have all combined together.
v  Spoon half of the mixture into the cake tin and smooth the surface using the back of a spoon.
v  Cover the smooth surface with the cut out piece of marzipan.
v  Spoon the remaining mixture on top and once again, smooth over the surface.
v  Place the cake tin on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 2¼ hours, at which point the cake will golden brown and firm to the touch.
Cook’s note ~ cover the cake with a layer of greaseproof paper to stop it from browning over too quickly.
v  Set to one side to cool for 20 minutes before removing from the tin and placing onto a cooling rack to cool completely.
v  Once cooled, warm the jam and brush over the top of the cake.
v  Roll out another third of the marzipan, cake –tin size and place it over the cake and crimple the edges.
v  Roll the remaining marzipan into 11 balls and place around the edge of the cake using the egg white to attach them. Brush the entire marzipan topping with the remainder of the egg white.
v  Place under the grill for a few minutes until golden.

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